Shop Local & Say Thanks
We’ve arrived- It’s Thanksgiving, and while it’s easy to get swept up with travel plans, cooking plans, and family plans, we always find it important to take a moment and step back from the stress. Each year when we look around at this life and this company- we find more and more to give thanks for.
As we celebrate the holidays, we want to celebrate shopping small. On our list of things to be thankful for, we’re including this list of why we’re thankful to be a local business.

All photos by Eloise Photography.
Williamson County is home to thousands of local businesses and there’s no question why. We’re a community in the truest sense of the word. We’ve lived in other places, but this is truly a beautiful and unique place to be.
When Kara had a dream for ReFresh Home she knew it had to be somewhere that valued individuals; somewhere filled with individuals who valued family, and somewhere filled with families who valued small business. There was no better fit than Williamson County. From the day the doors opened, they were filled with our “neighbors” in the community encouraging us and supporting us. 5 years later, these neighbors have become our friends and we are so thankful that our circle of friends just keeps growing.
We all have to work, but when you do what you love it doesn’t always feel like work. Starting a small business is about creating a space where you get to pursue your dream. There are days where we pinch ourselves in disbelief, that THIS is what we get to do for a living. Being a part of a small business might mean wearing a lot of hats and pushing a little bit harder, but it also means being surrounded by people who share your passions.

Just another perk to being closely connected with your community is knowing where help is needed. Larger corporations often donate to large organizations- which is needed and a fantastic cause. But, with a small business, you get to be more involved on a personal level and choose to lend a hand to those in your back yard. We love being able to give back to our local schools and organizations- and support our customers, just like they support us.

This list could keep going forever. We discover new things about being a small business each day; but, what we are hands-down the most grateful for… is one another. I know- adorable, right? But seriously… the absolute best thing about being a small company is working closely with people who love what they do and love what you do. We consider ourselves a family business because we operate like a family. Your job fills up most of your life and we couldn’t imagine not feeling at home in our store. Each and every person has a special role and a special place in our hearts. This Thanksgiving, we are putting our “home away from home” and our second family at the top of our list for which to be thankful.

Don’t forget that this weekend is Small Business Saturday. Forget Black Friday and go out to support your favorite local stores. Check out our Instagram for all our specials!